Adjunct-wise, Cainye is mostly prepositional, adverbs and adjectives go before verbs and nouns, and so do prepositions—the main exception are particles, in which there are two types, pre-particles, and post-particles.

Pre-particles are few, most of what could be considered pre-particles are adverbs—meanwhile, post-particles are the main mechanism of verb grammar.

The basic word order of subject, object, and verb, is S-V-O.

Xèyân yīng hongqè bùwèng kù qáucì mâi qáu lòdō.
"I didn't see their yellow fruits yesterday."

Relative phrases, also called adjectival phrases, act like adjectives—and go before nouns.

Cì xâsát hongqè léngké là ze líung pè fón, côk.
"You didn't look like someone who knew a lot, sorry."